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Please join us and 18 other Christian based non-profits for The Amazing Praise. A 48 hour online giving celebration of God and the transforming work being done in Jesus’ name across Richmond. The event will run from 12:00 PM EST on Tuesday,September 19th through 12:00 PM EST on Thursday,September 21st.

The Purpose of WOVEN Circle Inc. is to provide pastoral care, education and assistance to survivors of gender based violence. WOVEN Circle Inc. seeks to be a bridge builder between local resources and churches.

How your donations will help us continue to serve survivors.


Freedom Packs

A donation of $40 will provide a “Freedom Kit”, providing emergency funds for transportation and supplies for a woman taking their first steps towards freedom.



A donation of $100 will sponsor someone hoping to attend a retreat focused on healing and reconnecting with her faith.

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Safe Space to Dialogue About Faith and Healing From Domestic Violence

A donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated so that we can continue to create safe spaces for survivors to find comfort and healing as part of a Christian community.

Contact us.


P.O. Box 28641

Henrico, VA 23228-8777